Tuesday 14 August 2012


Gingercake with Lemon Icing (adapted for Thermomix from a Nigella Lawson recipe)

150g unsalted butter (could replace a portion with coconut oil)
125g rapadura sugar
200g golden syrup
200g blackstrap molasses
4cm piece of ginger
1tsp ground cinnamon
250ml milk (I used rice milk which worked well)
2 large eggs (beaten to mix in)
1tsp bicarb dissolved in 2tbsp warm water
300g plain flour
Baking tin, greased and lined with baking paper

For the icing
1tbsp lemon juice
175g icing sugar (made in thermomix from raw sugar sp9 for 1 min - could try rapadura instead?)
1 tbsp warm water

Preheat oven to 175 degrees

1. Place peeled ginger in tmx sp9 for 30s
2. Add butter, sugar, golden syrup, molasses and cinamon and melt 60degrees sp4 for 2 minutes (or until melted).
3. Add milk, eggs and bicarb. Mix sp4 for 5s
4. Add flour and mix (it will be a very liquid batter)
5. Place in prepared tin and bake for 45 minutes to 1hr. Be careful not to overcook as it is nice to be sticky.

1. Mix ingredients together to make a thick icing
2. Spread over cooled cake and leave to set

Blackstrap Molasses:
Molasses is the left over after extracting sugar from raw sugar cane and in particular blackstrap molasses is the most concentrated and nutrient thick obtained from the third boiling of the sugar cane juice. It contains significant amounts of iron, folic acid, B6, calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, postassium. It has a low GI.

Guy remembers his grandmother giving him blackstrap molasses on toast for afternoon tea as a treat!!


  1. I haven't got any blackstrap molasses- can we get it at H2G?

    1. I dont think you can, but I found it in the health food section of both coles and IGA
